
Group: DynoMotion Message: 7463 From: b_adrian@ymail.com Date: 5/14/2013
Subject: servo drive
I found a very affordable servo drive and motors at www.dmm-tech.com
Is there someone that used their drives and motors? How good they are? How well they work with KFlop?

Group: DynoMotion Message: 7521 From: Steve Date: 5/24/2013
Subject: Re: servo drive
I looked at these quite some time ago and the issue I had was a very tiny following error. SO tiny that in my opinion, the servo's power could not be utilized due to faulting on accel. or even a momentary high load which would actually be harmess as the servo would catch up when the load was removed. AN example would be an interrupted cut with a boring bar or face mill.

They may have corrected this by now, but it is what I would look for if I were to re-visit these drives for some reason.

- Steve

--- In DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com, "b_adrian@..." <adrian@...> wrote:
> I found a very affordable servo drive and motors at www.dmm-tech.com
> Is there someone that used their drives and motors? How good they are? How well they work with KFlop?
> Thanks,
> Adrian